Rabu, 21 November 2012


 CorelDRAW membuat kalender:
1.       Buatlah kalender dari aplikasi corelDRAW, buka aplikasi corelDRAW
Pilih Fileà New.

2.       Pilih Tool à  Macrosà Run Macros
3.       Pada Macros in pilih Calendar Wizard kemudian klik Run

4.       Setelah jendela Oberon Calendar Wizard terbuka,atur tahun yang akan dipilih. Pilih Layout dan pilih model yang akan digunakan. Klik Holiday untuk memberi tanggal merah (libur). Atur line pada page layout; small header; small bodyàklik Generate.

5.       Maka muncul mentahan kalender 2013.
6.       (Disini akan menggunakan desain animasi).  Pilih Basic shapes à Callout shapes(atau shapes lain sesuai keinginan).

7.       Buatlah Callout sesuai kebutuhan (disini saya membuat 12 buah). 

8.       Pindakan satu persatu tanggal & bulan (contoh Januari) kedalam callout. Ulangi pada bulan-bulan lainnya.

9.       Export (ctrl+E atau fileàexport) kalender dalam format JPEG.

Photoshop untuk mendesain:
1.       Buka Aplikasi Photoshop (CS3 or other). Pilih File à New. Kemudian atur layar sesuai yang diinginkan.
(contoh : Name: Calendar June; Preset : costume; Width 3045pixels; Height 1469pixels; resolution: 300pixels/inch)
2.       Buatlah background menggunakan Paint Bucket Tool (layar), ubah warna sesuai kebutuhan.

3.       Klik kanan Paint Bucket Tool ubah menjadi Gradient Tool, Pada Gradient Picker pilih Foregrount to transparant, pilih model desain yang akan digunakan.
4.       Buka bahan yang dibutuhkan . Pilih FileàOpenàpilih bulan yang akan di gunakanàOK.

5.       Ubah background menjadi layer dengan mengklik kanan palet layer à Layer from Background.

6.       Pilih Magic Wand tool kemudian pilih bagian layar putih(+shift jika perlu). 

7.       Kemudian tekan delete pada keyboard, maka background akan berubah transparan.

8.       Lalukan cara yang digunakan pada no 4-6 pada gambar yang akan digunakan.

9.       Pilih Move Tool kemudian gabungkan dengan jendela June dengan mendrag (menklik dan menahan lalu pindahkan) gambar dan bulan yang akan digunakan.

10.   Maka gambar akan bergabung sebagai berikut.

11.   Masukkan bulan, atur objek sesuai kebutuhan.


12.   Hiasi callout, kondisikan pilihan pada layer callout (layer 2)pilih Magic Wand Tool hiasi dengan paduan warna pada tool Paint Gradien.
13.   Memberi nomer bulan : pilih Costume Shape Tool pilih bentuk yang diinginkan. Duplikat shape, gunakan paduan warna (atau juga berfungsi sebagai shadding).

14.   Beri nomor bulan : pilih Horizontal Type Tool (bergambar T) à tuliskan angka yang diinginkan.

15.   Duplikat Background àrenameà OK
16.   Pilih Rectangular Marquee kemudian select seluruh layar à delete. (hasil jika semua objek tidak ditampilkan)

17.    Pilih Brush Tool à Pilih Brush Preset picker (untuk memilih bentuk kuas), hiasi bagian background sesuai keinginan.
18.   Lakukan hal yang sama pada bulan yang lainnya.
19.   Selesai.

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Sound Horizon (just post ==")


On September 3, 2008, Sound Horizon released the albumMoira.Moira debuted at No. 3 on the Oricon weekly album charts, selling over 45,000 copies in its first week.
It started with Revo releasing his music creations on the internet on his website in the late 1990s. In 2001, Sound Horizon participated Comic Market as part of a DojinMusic circle and released their first story CD, Chronicle, an all-instrumental track CD, with occasional narration, background chorus and sound effects. The inclusion of actual singing began from their second release onwards. Their subsequent works were released at Comic Market and M3.
Sound Horizon's first major release was in 2004, with the album Elysion ~Prelude to Paradise~. Their first maxi-single, "Shōnen wa Tsurugi wo...", which was released in 2006, includes "Shūtan no Ou to Isekai no Kishi ~The Endia & The Knights~", the theme for the Playstation2 simulation RPG Chaoswars, and "Kamigami ga Aishita Rakuen ~Belle Isle~", the opening theme for the MMORPG Belle sle.
Sound Horizon released the single "Ido e Itaru Mori e Itaru Ido" on June 16, 2010. The single featured guitarist Marty Friedman and Miku Hatsune along with a beta voicebank for Vocaloid known as "Junger März PROTOTYPE β".

*Revo, founder and leader of Sound Horizon

Okey, Just it, anymore I'll post it tommorrow,, (* I must search more information ==". I know you are more know about it )

Okey, just it, bye now =="

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Touhou – Gensou Mangekyou~The Memories of Phantasm~

Just finished watching the last episode of Yumeiro, and so I thought that I should do a review on the anime as well.

But, first, let me talk about this video of a new doujin Touhou anime I found yesterday.

The anime is

幻想万華鏡 ~The Memories of Phantasm~

In Romaji, it is “Gensou Mangekyou”, and in English, it basically means “Fantasy Kaleidoscope”. Phantasm is technically ‘Phantom’, so it will probably be related to Perfect Cherry Blossom, and possibly a bit of The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, looking at the video.

The song title is 「色は匂へど 散りぬるを」, “Iro wa Nioedo, Chirinuru wo”, which means “Though the Scent Lingers, the Flower Scattered”. It is sung by senya, and adapted from a song in Mountain of Faith:「 神々が恋した幻想郷」(“The Gensokyo the Gods Loved”).

Anyway, isn’t it pretty epic? At least, this is more exciting than the Kinema series as this is going to be part of a real anime episode… Though it is just a doujin, and not an official one.

By the way, for those that do not know, the creators of Anime Tenchou is gonna combine Touhou with their mascot characters. No idea how that will work out, but it’ll be pretty interesting to see.

Soundtrack Touhou – Gensou Mangekyou~The Memories of Phantasm~ :
Opening : Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru
Ending : Opposite Worlds

Touhou – Gensou Mangekyou~The Memories of Phantasm~
Touhou Anime
Gensou Mangekyou
The Memories of Phantasm
Touhou Project

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Pandora Hearts ~caucus race~

Pandora Hearts ~Caucus Race~ is an novel written by and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki. The plotline was meant to focus on all four dukedoms, portraying them in a fairytale-like manner. It tells about the many things that happened in the Four Dukedoms and how you favorite characters dealt with them. Caucus Race also came with an all new Pandora Hearts One-Shot.

Pandora Hearts ~Caucus Race~ Vol1

Chapter :
-Golden Drops (Story of Vessaliuses)
-Black Widow (Story of Nightrays)
-White Kitty (Story of Rainsworths)
-Pink Curse (Story of Barmas)

  • It is unknown if Yen Press will also translate Caucus Race as it is doing with the Volumes of the main series.
  • The Title "Caucus Race" is based off of the same activity that the Dodo had Alice, The Lory, Eaglet, Duck and others preform in order to dry off afteer emerging from the pool of tears.
  • Was released at the same time as Volume 14 on March 26th.
  • It is Pandora Hearts' First novel.

*Cover: Oz and Gilbert XD

*Hey, you can download one of the chapther in here:
> Black Widow I
Black Widow II
Black Widow III

*Just have it, happy reading

*Cover : Eliot and Reo

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Black★Rock Shooter (ブラック★ロックシューター,Burakku Rokku Shuutaa)

Hello, Minna ^^
Who was don't know about BRS ?
Well we're certain know about it..
an OVA video right?
Black Rock Shooter was an OVA anime who producting by Ordet Studio...
Altough BRS was same with Hatsune Miku, It's no way same..^^

The Character of Black Rock Shooter:

Black★Rock Shooter   (ブラック★ロックシューター,Burakku Rokku Shuutaa)

Dead Master (デッドマスター) Detto Masuta

Mato Kuroi (黒衣マト Kuroi Mato

Takanashi Yomi

Yuu Koutari (神足ユウ, Koutari Yuu)
